氣候類型 Types of Climate🌎🌍
By Original uploader was Waitak at en.wikipedia Later version(s) were uploaded by Splette at en.wikipedia. - Transferred from en.wikipedia; transfered to Commons by User:Legoktm using CommonsHelper., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6894875
Tropical Wet/ Rainforest 熱帶雨林氣候
Tropical Wet-dry/ savanna 熱帶莽原氣候
Tropical Dry 熱帶沙漠氣候
Tropical Monsoon 熱帶季風氣候
Semiarid 半乾燥氣候
Arid 乾燥氣候
Mediterranean 地中海氣候
(Moderate) Humid Subtropical 夏雨型暖溫帶氣候
Moderate Marine West Coast
Oceanic/ Temperate Marine 溫帶海洋性氣候
Humid Continental 溫帶大陸性氣候
Subarctic 副極地氣候
(Temperate Continental= Humid Continental+ Subarctic)
Tundra 苔原氣候
Ice Cap 冰原氣候
Highland 高地氣候
氣候/天氣現象 Weather/ Climate Events🌈🌀
wet/ monsoon season 雨季 (台灣梅雨季也算喔!)
current 洋流
Intermittent torrential rain 間歇性大雨
El Niño+Southern Oscillation =ENSO 聖嬰現象
cold current 冷氣團
warm front 暖鋒
cold front 冷鋒
stationary front 滯留鋒
occluded front 囚錮鋒